
Polyphenols are natural ingredients magnessium lactate

German medical experts believe that chocolate cocoa polyphenols and polyphenols have potent antioxidant capabilities , both with more effective, not only to extend the body of other antioxidants , such as vitamin E and C, duration of action , but also to promote vasodilation calcium lactate symptoms of anemia . Experts point out that eating chocolate cup of tea then , its effect is equivalent to folic acid has a protective effect on blood vessels .
Dark chocolate with higher levels of cocoa butter , cocoa beans polyphenol natural ingredients , but also a powerful antioxidant . There also has oxidation nuts, medical studies have shown that oxidative damage is the main cause of many chronic diseases , the German health experts the black brownies called " chocolate aristocratic family ,"Calcium lactate found that eating 30 grams a day of black brownies , can reduce the incidence of heart disease by 15% . In addition, dark chocolate and nuts all contain calcium, iron, magnesium and other large minerals, these minerals can participate and improve the human microcirculation , can effectively improve the skin condition, so that you feel good after eating , resulting in satisfaction.

