
Pigment Stability factor

Color agent used primarily in raw meat used in the curing process a certain amount of nitrate and nitrite , the use of nitrite due to a certain carcinogenic , therefore . The use of nitrite in accordance with the national standard must be reasonably added . Cooked meat natural coloring agent mainly red pepper . Sorghum red, cochineal red. Calcium lactate generally also antioxidants, such as iso -Vc sodium , vitamin E and so on.
Natural monascorubrin its good coloring properties of the protein . As well as heat, acid and alkali resistance . More and more popular. However, Monascus red light stability is poor , the use of red yeast buffered lactic acid meat products, especially low-temperature meat products, in storage or sales process, easy to light and oxidation due to fade . Average low temperature meat in freezer for about a week selling color faded to gray, is the reason.

