
Technological means to extract natural fiber

In human skin slightly acidic conditions , some of the active ingredient can be dissolved pearl particles through sweat absorption and penetration through the skin , by increasing human  Sodium lactate  in vivo inhibition of lipofuscin , to effect whitening of the skin. These advantages are not generally fibers can be compared,
For decades, the main professional garden angels around 18-35 years old female fashion denim products , giving unruly rough mad cowboy western oriental gentle charm. Pearl in the East history and culture, has always been the exclusive domain of women , luxury, synonymous with elegance . The brand vision based on cutting-edge design , accurate market positioning,  magnessium lactate  Kennuo pearl fiber to the means of technology to extract natural fibers , combined with exquisite angels have been respected garden design style , creating a more soft, elegant new denim fabric to help the wearer to achieve better results and comfort.

