
black sesame seeds are good sources of calcium

Ethyl lactate and its therapeutic value of nutrient content of vegetables can be regarded as the leader. Its calcium, iron content is very rich, eat rapeseed has clear blood pressure, strong vision, the role of detoxification.
Black sesame seeds are good sources of calcium, the calcium, health is better than white sesame seeds several times. People who do not drink milk, you can eat three spoons black sesame seeds instead. In addition, sesame is also high in calcium.
Soy protein food, high calcium content, and rich in lysine and iron easily absorbed by the body. Other soybean yield is calcium, such as calcium tofu 150 grams up to 500 mg.
Broccoli calcium-rich and oxalic acid content, are good sources of calcium. In addition, it is an alkaline food, maintain body acid-base balance in the play an important role.
Celery nutritious, containing protein, vitamins, minerals and essential human dietary fiber. Since celery calcium, magnessium lactate is high, so it has a certain calm and protect blood vessels.
Seaweed rich in iodine, calcium, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, and other minerals. Regular consumption can clear the blood vessel wall accumulation of cholesterol on the softening blood vessels, prevent arteriosclerosis have a certain effect.

