
Remove bacteria and other harmful substances

The concept of water on the market speculation, but the actual use physical means of changing the water factory pH, dissolved oxygen, physiological functions and other standards.
"Do not people buy water purifier by these 'concepts' confused, should focus on secondary water pollution problems." Experts said that the current market is the most widely used Sodium lactate machine, not only solve the water secondary
pollution, but also to retain water, minerals and trace elements. It is understood that ultrafiltration membrane machine is used to filter the water, which is only 0.01 micron pore size, while retaining the water itself, minerals and trace elements at the same time, remove bacteria and other harmful
substances, and water flow is large, In liters of zinc lactate machine, for example, the smallest models can reach a capacity of 1000 liters per hour, has become the public to solve water secondary pollution of choice.

